lunedì 4 ottobre 2010

EVS in Poland with kids and youth

YouNet (2010-it-93) as sending organisation is looking for volunteers for the the project proposed by Centre for Youth Cooperation and Mobility in Gdynia, northern Poland that act coordinating organization for 4 different EVS projects.

Centre of Youth Cooperation and Mobility is offering at the moment EVS-places for volunteers for long-term-stays (9 months) in two organizations in Gdynia:

- EI nr 2009-PL-68 – work with children and youth in socio-therapy centre (6 places)

- EI nr 2009-PL-15 - work in nursery and pre-school with small children (1 place)

The projects should start between 15th March and 15th April.

On English pages of you can find information about these projects. There you can find dates, deadlines and also application forms next to each projects description to download.

The interested person should fill in the application form and send it to us before 11th October 2010.

If you have any other questions about the projects please do not hesitate to contact

Per maggiori info sullo SVE e sulla sending organisation contattateci a o andate sulla pagina del nostro blog relativa allo SVE

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